Mount Baker Theatre strives to provide access to all members of our community, and offers many services and accommodations to help patrons with disabilities attend performances.
Mobility assistance
There is no elevator in our historic building, so those with limited mobility are strongly encouraged to reserve main floor seating. Ushers are available to assist with patrons to and from their seats if needed. Walkers can be stored by MBT during a performance and returned at its conclusion.
Drop-off Locations & Patron Transport
The theatre does not have a dedicated parking lot. Patrons are welcome to use the drop-off zone in front of our main entrance on North Commercial Street. A house wheelchair is available upon request to be used to help transport a patron from the drop-off location to their seat. If you would like the house wheelchair ready for your arrival, please alert the Ticket Office in advance of the performance.
Wheelchair Spaces
There are eight (8) wheelchair-accessible spaces located in our Main Stage theatre, each with a designated companion seat. The seat locations are: Main I2, I37, O2, O37, U2, U37, AA2, and AA37. Companion seats are in fixed theatre seats immediately adjacent to these spaces. Wheelchair accessible bathrooms are located on the main floor of the Lobby.
Wheelchair spaces and adjacent companion seats are also available in our smaller Harold & Irene Walton Theatre. A vertical platform lift can be used to descend the stair steps going into this room. There are wheelchair accessible bathrooms inside the Walton theatre.
Assistive Listening Devices
Mount Baker Theatre has assistive listening devices with audio program feed that can be utilized with a hearing aid telecoil or earbud speaker. These are available at the Coat Check station.
American Sign Language Interpreter (ASL)
An ASL Interpreter can be requested by submitting a request through the Ticket Office. We recommend doing this at least one month prior to the performance, as local availability of interpreters is limited. Please note that we will make every effort to fulfill a request, but an interpreter may not be available for every event.
Service Animals
Service animals that have been trained in specific tasks to assist a patron with their disability are welcome at MBT. A service animal should be kept with its owner at all times and seated in a manner that does not obstruct any aisle or point of access. If the animal is large enough to require a companion space, please contact the Ticket Office as soon as possible to make this arrangement. Please note that any service animal that behaves in a manner that creates a disturbance may be required to leave the premises.
For visual, speech, cognitive disabilities, or any other special needs not covered above, please contact the Ticket Office so that we may best accommodate you!
2024-2025 Season Sponsors
Wade Bennett King Education Series Sponsor